IIMB alumni raise INR 2 crore; dedicate classroom on campus to faculty member Unique alumni-seeded initiative sees classroom named after 86-yr-old Prof. Vatsala Nagarajan

27 July, 2018: In a heart-warming gesture on ‘Guru Purnima’ Day, the IIMB alumni, led by the PGP Class of 1992, Rahul Shukla, Prashant Jain, Ashish Parthasarathy and many others, raised INR 2 crores and dedicated a classroom on the picturesque IIMB campus to their beloved teacher, Professor Vatsala Nagarajan, here today.“This is the first time in the history of IIMB that we have a classroom named after a faculty member,” said IIMB Director Prof. G Raghuram, adding that he hoped this unique alumni-seeded initiative would inspire other alumni to take up…

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IIM Bangalore to host Indian Management Conclave in association with MBAUniverse.com on Aug 3 & 4 Industry leaders, management thinkers and academia to discuss MBA for the 21st century during two-day conclave

27 July, 2018, Bengaluru: The world stands at the edge of an unprecedented technological revolution, also termed as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, that will fundamentally change the way we live, work, and do business. What will be the impact of this revolution on education, particularly management education? As the expectations of industry and learners change, how should the universities and B-schools reassess and revise their MBA programmes? Industry leaders, management thinkers and academicians are congregating at the 9th Indian Management Conclave (IMC), hosted by IIM Bangalore in association with MBAUniverse.com,…

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‘Shrinking space for curiosity-driven scientific research is a matter of concern’: Prof. V.S. Ramamurthy at a Policy Talk at IIMB

25 July, 2018: “In this modern century, science and technology policies must include people, skills and knowledge. Innovative policies alone can enhance the country’s net comprehensive national development,” said Prof. V.S. Ramamurthy, nuclear scientist and Padma Bhushan awardee, at an talk hosted by the Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management (PGPPM) at IIMB. Prof. V.S. Ramamurthy at IIMB Describing the 20th century as the “century of discoveries”, he placed emphasis on the role of the science and technology enterprise model for national security and economic development. “USA, Japan,…

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Vidwan TM Krishna and environmentalist N Jayaraman engage with the IIMB community on the ‘Kodai Still Won’t’ campaign

27 July, 2018:  Magsaysay awardee and music maestro TM Krishna and environmentalist N Jayaraman came to IIMB on July 26 (Thursday) to engage with the community and drum up support for the ongoing campaign to clean up Kodaikanal.Vidwan TM Krishna set the context for the discussion by singing the Tamil song, ‘Chennai Poromboke Paadal’, about climate change. N Jayaraman opened his talk by quoting from an article called, ‘Silent Spring’ by Rachel Carson,  an American marine biologist, author, and conservationist whose writings are credited with advancing the global environmental movement.…

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Solution to sales challenges? Selvitate, an incubatee at NSRCEL, functions as an integrated platform working on both a SaaS model as well as an operational model to help MSMEs improve sales and after-support

Selvitate (a play on the words sell and levitate) is a startup founded by Charith G Kashyap and Ruthvic R. They improve online sales for medium, small and micro enterprises (MSMEs). Selvitate works as an integrated platform working on both a Software as a Service (SaaS) model as well as an operational model to improve sales. This differentiates them from their competitors who only provide software to improve sales. Selvitate provides software to manage online sales and after-support to their customers. They take care of the entire online suite for…

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Technology isn’t just changing society — it’s changing what it means to be human

Over the last two years, most of my reading, beyond my work, have focussed on the role of technology and how it can shape the future of individuals, corporations and society, in ways that we can conceive and mostly in ways that we cannot even imagine! As a student of human behaviour, technology has always fascinated me. I am technologically challenged which means that I adopt technology only when I am forced to, but I find myself spending time in museums that house new technologies, in reading about the new…

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Rethinking playtime Anthill Creations’ goal is for every child to have a playground within walking distance

Anthill Creations is a not-for-profit startup, being incubated at IIMB’s NS Raghavan Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning, and aims to bring playgrounds and play back into the lives of children. The team aims to involve the community and build sustainable playgrounds.  They are the first company in the market who is working on accessibility of play. Anthill Creations was formed when the five founders – Nancy Charaya, Souradeep Paul, Vishesh Gupta, Nupur Agrawal and Pooja Rai – were in college. They, “like ants”, came together to build something bigger than themselves.…

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Plop: Stories that Pop This start-up being incubated at NSRCEL offers stories in a completely different, chat-based format.

Penbound is a startup founded by Anushka Shetty and Vineet Shetty. They believe that their product Plop will re-introduce storytelling to the world. They decided to develop the idea when they pitched it to a group of publishers who, they say, loved it in the Delhi World Book Fair. Co-founder – Anushka Shetty Co-founder Vineet Shetty “Attention spans of the youth today have shrunk immensely with some studies claiming that it is only 7 minutes long. This is a product of our digitalized society and the shorter attention spans have…

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Selling the Premium in Freemium

The Research and Publications office of IIM Bangalore hosted a seminar, on July 06, by Professor PK Kannan on the topic, ‘Selling the Premium in Freemium’. It was an illuminating discussion about three of Professor Kannan’s papers. Prof. PK Kannan Dr. P. K. Kannan is the Dean’s Chair in Marketing Science at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, USA. His main research focus is on marketing modeling, applying statistical and econometric methods to marketing data. Currently, his research focuses on attribution modeling, media mix modeling,…

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Unpacking the Wisdom of the Crowd and Friends: The Role of Rater and Firm Expertise on Social Influences in Online Ratings Prof. Sarang Sunder explains how his study can influence a firm’s online reputation management, product and post product strategy, and more at seminar hosted by IIMB’s Research & Publications office

07 July, 2018: The Research and Publications office of IIMB hosted a seminar on July 05, by Professor Sarang Sunder, on ‘Unpacking the Wisdom of the Crowd and Friends: The Role of Rater and Firm Expertise on Social Influences in Online Ratings’. It was an enlightening discussion about his upcoming paper. Professor Sarang Sunder The talk started with Professor Sunder speaking about the initial idea based on his colleague’s obsession with board games and the existence of an online board game rating community. They wanted to find out whether there…

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