The chapter titled: ‘Policy and Practice of Delivering Government Services through Technology’ is part of the book co-authored by Prof. Anurag Singh and Dr. Rubee Singh
5 June, 2023, Bengaluru: A book chapter titled, ‘Policy and Practice of Delivering Government Services through Technology’, authored by Dr. Kalpana Gopalan of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Government of India, also an alumna of the Doctoral Programme and Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy & Management (PGPPM) of IIM Bangalore, has been published as part of the book, ‘Management 4.0: Empowering Managers Through Emerging Technologies’, co-authored by Prof. Anurag Singh and Dr. Rubee Singh. Dr. Kalpana Gopalan is also a Visiting Fellow at IIMB. The book has been published by Blue Rose Publishers.
Abstract: India has emerged as a pioneer in building digital tools to improve public service delivery and program governance at the state and national levels. E-governance efforts have two broad objectives: to strengthen government capacity and to empower citizens. It does this in three ways: easing public service delivery, enhancing accountability and promoting public participation. Leveraging technology for effective program delivery poses unique challenges. Technology is a tool that requires a capable state to be effective; it also creates new power asymmetries. Tech-optimists suggest that the problems, delays and exclusion faced by local governments and citizens in using technology – due to poor infrastructure, digital illiteracy and connectivity – are just teething pains. Others see dark days ahead, where technology takes over governance, and the digitally illiterate – whether due to poverty, age or exclusion – are left behind. For citizens, the use of new tech-savvy tools can be alienating and intimidating. Using technology requires learning new ways to make demands and withdraw benefits, and new norms and modes of behavior.
Dr. Gopalan puts forward her view, born of years of experience and observation, that technology opens amazing possibilities for reach and spread; but that nevertheless needs implementation with caution to ensure inclusion and nuance; and she gives pointers to principles that should underpin an e-governance policy for India.
Dr. Gopalan has recently been nominated as Vice Chairperson, Women Empowerment (Honorary for Life) of the All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice (AICHLS). In another feat, her article, ‘Network Governance & Creative Leadership: The Formation of Udupi Jille’ has been published in ‘The Administrator’ (January 2023 issue), the journal of the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie (LBSNAA).

Dr. Kalpana Gopalan, IAS, is a composite public policy professional – practitioner, policy-maker, scholar, author, volunteer and mother. Her 35-year cross-sectoral public service experience is enriched with a Doctorate and Masters in public policy from IIM Bangalore. Her views are personal, and for academic purposes only.