Ntalents.ai is a startup created by engineers Mayank Sharma, Deepika Anu and Varun Narula. They are developing an evaluation tool which identifies behavioural and soft skills in salespersons. This test gives their clients useful data to identify whether prospective employees will be good salespeople, or will simply know the theory of sales.
The company was formed when Mayank Sharma observed that tech companies had proper evaluation techniques but sales
companies didn’t. He believed that there was a need for such a tool for sales companies and so developed this with his co-founders.
Time-saving Tool
The tool developed by Ntalents.ai analyses subjective responses and uses those to score attributes such as communication and negotiation, and other interpersonal skills.
According to them, in India alone there are 1 million interviews in the sales domain with more than 3 million people applying. Even of the promising candidates, Hubspot claims 75% of them fail to meet sales quotas. Ntalents.ai hopes to reduce the time and money spent in interviewing prospective employees who do not meet the mark, by using this sales aptitude test rather than a face-to-face interview with each employee.
The NSRCEL Advantage
The founders credit IIMB’s innovation and incubation hub, the NS Raghavan Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (NSRCEL) for the support they have given in creating a proper network and for giving them feedback about the product as opposed to creating the product in silo. They also value the mentors provided by NSRCEL and the value that they bring to the business. They do however, want more business-related events to happen in NSRCEL, which could help them spread their reach. At this point, they say they have to travel to far off business events.
In the next two years, ntalents.ai plans to have at least 250 clients. In the long run, they hope that they will be able to make this tool affordable enough to allow even college students to use it. They believe that this will allow college students real world experience and allow them to better their skills before they start work.
The founders emphasized the importance of a strong and close-knit team in the entrepreneurial journey. They believe a strong team will help weather temporary setbacks and maintain the enthusiasm and energy necessary for further growth and success.
Towards their big dream
Find out more about Ntalents.ai at https://ntalents.ai/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ntalentsai/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ntalents_ai
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ntalents/