August 1st, 2018I offer an elective called ‘Communication for Leaders’ to the second year MBA students at IIMB. The elective is grounded in the theories of charismatic leadership and persuasive communication. The final leg of this elective is to explain how ceremonial speeches like motivational speeches, keynote speeches and my favourite, TED talks bring an impact in audiences. I am fascinated by TED talks. They are great case studies of the theory that we discuss in my course and also happen to be my research focus. So I understand them…
Author: Rakesh Godhwani
Rakesh Godhwani calls himself a nobody. He teaches, writes, reads a story to his kids every night before they sleep, bicycles his way to work when he can, does yoga, earns a fraction of what he used to, but lives a million times better. Check his online course Present with Confidence and his latest book Public Speaking Kaleidoscope. Follow him @godhwani. Read his other posts at or on medium