Controlling one’s ecstasy is tough, particularly when you are in situations which demand a specific code of conduct. I was in the middle of a client conference call when the first of the two emails from the admission team of IIM Bangalore showed up on my mobile phone screen. I could never forget the next few minutes, which, by the way, felt like an eternity! I clearly recall how I kept myself composed, excused myself from that meeting just to read and re-read the offer of the admission. I was confident that the next one year was going to be a game changer and today, on the eve of my convocation, if I look back at my journey here at IIM Bangalore, I am elated to state that I was correct.
Not only has IIMB overhauled my academic concepts but being a participant of this course has also introduced me to some inspiring people. I mean, how frequently do you happen to be classmates with senior bureaucrats who entered public service even before you were born?! Learning by debating with them in a classroom setting has been an unparalleled experience. All through the year, my peers taught me to push myself and find answers.
Today, as the IIMB campus prepares to celebrate the convocation, I would like to share my poem and dedicate it to all those people who made my one year at IIMB memorable and magical. Thank you! 😊
कल ही तो हम मिले थे, क्यूँ फ़िर आज बिछड़ने का वक़्त नज़दीक आ गया है?
कल ही तो हमने साथ हँसना शुरू किया था, क्यूँ फ़िर आज अकेले रोने का वक़्त नज़दीक आ गया है?
कल ही तो हम एक धागे में पिरोए गए थे, क्यूँ फ़िर आज धागा टूटने का सोच कर मन सहम जाता है?
कल ही तो हमने साथ समझना शुरू किया था, क्यूँ आज नासमझ बनने का सोच कर दिल काँप सा जाता है?
कल की शुरू हुई मस्तियाँ, क्यूँ एकदम से यादें बनने लगी हैं?
कल की कही अनकही कश्तियाँ, क्यूँ आज मन को मरोड़ने में लगी हैं?
सच कहूं तो, अभी भी उस एक चेहरे को देख कर,
दिल टकटकी लगाए बैठे रहना चाहता है |
अभी भी उसकी प्यारी हँसी पर, दिल सब कुछ लुटाने को तैयार रहना चाहता है |
मुझे समझा ऐ वक़्त, तू क्यूँ इतना तेज़ भागता है?
कभी तो थम जा, तू इतना क्यूँ इतराता है?
कल ही तो शुरुआत हुई थी हमारी, तू ये क्यूँ नहीं मानता है?
आज से कुछ दिन ही सही, तू क्यूँ नहीं रुक जाता है?
कल ही तो…
कल ही तो…

Subham is currently a 2018-19 batch student of the Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management (PGPPM) at IIM Bangalore.
Prior joining IIMB, Subham worked for 5 years with Kantar Public (erstwhile Social & Rural Research Institute of IMRB International) at their New Delhi, India office. During these years, he primarily handled the implementation of large scale research studies in the domains of public health, nutrition, WASH, education and livelihood. He carries with himself an experience of collaborating with various national and international development partners, namely UNICEF, Population Council, CARE India, JSI, FHI360, IIPS, ORGI etc., on project basis.