Prof A Damodaran, MHRD Chair Professor on IPRs at IIM Bangalore
29 November, 2016, Bengaluru: Professor A Damodaran from the Economics & Social Sciences area of Indian Institute of Management Bangalore has been conferred the Dewang Mehta Award, under the category ‘Best Professor in Economics’, at a function held in Mumbai on November 26, 2016.
The award is in recognition of Professor A Damodaran’s work for extending economics research to IPRs, Creative Industry and Sustainable Development. Professor A Damodaran is also the MHRD Chair Professor on IPRs at IIM Bangalore.
The citation talks about recognising the immense contribution made by a professor in Economics, who is being honored with the most coveted Best Professor’s award. “Dr A Damodaran from IIM Bangalore is an accomplished researcher and teacher working closely with Government, Industry & Academia, on wide ranging international subjects relating to IPR in relation to trade, environment and Creative Industry.”
Earlier this year in March, the Madrid report, authored by Professor A Damodaran was released by the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Secretary of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Government of India. The report provides an IP route map for India’s ‘Make in India’ sectors to correct image-symmetry problems faced by India’s companies abroad, including start-ups.
Professor A Damodaran had also contributed to WIPO’s Development Programme agenda on technology-transfer and to the development of IP management practices in West, Central and North Asia. He has been a member of India’s delegation to the Conference of Parties to United Nation’s Convention on Biological Diversity that negotiated the texts relating to biodiversity financing mechanisms. He was also a member of the Global High Level Panel on Assessment of Financial Resources on implementing the Aichi Biodiversity Targets during 2012-14 and is currently a member of the five-member expert group to advise the UN Convention on Biological Diversity on the seventh replenishment of Global Environmental Facility, based in Washington D.C. His body of work includes studies for the Asian Development Bank on carbon capture and storage technologies and his association with the World Bank on climate finance and climate-friendly adaptation practices.