03 JANUARY, 2016: This year the conference received a large number of competitive submissions from doctoral students in India and overseas. A Faculty Review Committee has shortlisted 12 papers for presentation and discussion at the conference. Invited faculty discussants will critique these selected papers and provide feedback on them. We have also facilitated a wider representation of the work of doctoral students through parallel fast track sessions, where 20 papers are scheduled to be presented. The conference will also witness a keynote session, a workshop and invited talks by noted international scholars in management research.
The SBI Life Keynote Lecture is being delivered by Professor K. Sudhir who is James L. Frank Professor of Marketing, Private Enterprise and Management and Director of the Yale China India Insights (CIIP) Program and Editor-in-Chief, Marketing Science and is titled ‘Academic Business Research in a Big Data World’. Professor Sudhir will also lead a workshop on ‘Managing Salesforces in CRM Settings’. The conference also features invited talks by Professor Debasis Mishra, of the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi, on ‘Recent Developments in Auction Design’ and by Professor Sathyajit Gubbi, Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Groningen, on ‘Academic Research: From Inspiration to Publication’.
Details about the conference are available on our website: