The Indian Institute of ManagementBangalore (IIMB) has been actively pursuing Supply Chain Management as a major area of teaching and research. With a distinguished faculty line-up including world-class scholars and a talented pool of researchers and doctoral students (Fellow Programme in Management), IIMB has carried out dedicated research, teaching and consulting activities in different aspects of Supply Chain Management covering logistics management, inbound/outbound transportation, network design, modeling and optimization, partnership and negotiation, information technology and e-commerce and end-to-end Supply Chain Management strategies.
Recognizing the need for an effective mechanism to promote closer and enduring industry-institute collaboration,IIMB has started the SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT CENTRE (SCMC), a strategic multidisciplinary Centre of Excellence within IIMB, dedicated to carrying out specialized theoretical and applied research on Supply Chain Management with participation from a multidisciplinary faculty and industry practitioners. The Centre builds upon the strengths of IIMB in research, education, and integration of inter-functional business disciplines to serve as a valuable knowledge-generating resource, and contributes to development of cutting-edge strategies and practical solutions to problems encountered by organizations in the management of end-to-end supply chains.
Our Vision
To be an internationally recognized Centre for Supply Chain Management, dedicated to the creation and dissemination of new knowledge in the field.
Our Mission
The mission of the Supply Chain Management Centre is to bring together practitioners from leading organizations and IIMB faculty and students, to identify, document, research, develop and disseminate best practices in Supply Chain Management.
The mandate of the Centre includes the following:
- Conduct research that contributes significantly to the theory and practice of Supply Chain Management
- Act as a forum to initiate interaction and dialogue on supply chain related issues, challenges and solutions between industry and academia>
- Educate and train practicing executives, increase the pool of Supply Chain Management professionals and develop future industry leaders in the area
- Increase visibility of the Supply Chain Management discipline among the management student community
- Help organizations achieve world-class supply chain practices and performances
The following activities have been envisaged towards the fulfillment of the Centre’s mission:
- Conceptual research for developing theory
- Research on SCM strategies and practices
- Sponsored research
- Research on specific issues faced by client companies
Education & Training
- Case studies of SCM strategies and practices
- Network with peer groups and focused industry
- Specialized Executive Development Programmes on SCM for practicing executives
Events & Communications
- Conduct Biennial International Conference
- Bring out SCM Centre newsletter
- Host SCM Centre website
Assistance to Industries
- Carry out benchmarking studies
- Offer SCM assistance and diagnostic studies to companies for SCM strategies and improvements
- Student projects
Corporate Partner Relations
- Share information with eligible partner companies
- Research Advisory Council meetings to set research directions & priorities
- Company Day at SCM Centre
- Conduct peer group exchange meetings for experience sharing
Research Areas
Faculty Research Areas in Supply Chain Management cover a wide range of topics such as:
- Supply Chain Risk Management
- Global Supply Chains
- Supply Chain Design, Capacity & Sourcing Decisions
- Sourcing Strategy
- Buyer-Supplier Relationship and Vendor Management
- Labour/Service Supply Chains
- Responsive Supply Chains
- Revenue Management/Yield Management
- Supply Chain in Modern Retail
- Supply Chain Coordination, Information Sharing, Incentives, Contracts & Control
- Spares Provisioning and Management
- E-Business & Supply Chain Management
- Green Supply Chain
- Impact of Technology – RFID, etc.
- Transportation & Warehousing
- Value Chain Management
- Activity Based Cost Management and Supply Chain
For all the major research initiatives, the Centre will form research groups. For funded research projects, the respective funding partner will have the option of nominating one representative to the research group.
The Centre has a dedicated and lean administrative support system consisting of one Chief Operating Officer and one Associate for research and administration. Additional Research Associates will be engaged for specific funded research projects.
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