Odisha fellows explaining sustainability values of handicrafts

Sustainable Handicrafts, Toothsome Edibles, Native-Knitted Clothing & Much More Were Showcased at ‘The MGNF Product Exhibition’ at IIMB on January 25 and 26, 2023

Highlights: The Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship Programme by IIMB conducted an Exhibition on January 25 and 26.  Products were brought by MGNF fellows from around 40 districts covering six states – Karnataka, Goa, Odisha, Haryana, Uttarakhand and Tripura.  The exhibition’s objective was to espouse local artistic livelihoods and surface perceptions of urban consumers on products made by SHGs, tribal communities, and others. The Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship Programme held an exhibition showcasing sustainable handcrafts, toothsome edibles, native-knit clothing, recycled books, etc., at the IIMB Campus on January 25 and 26,…

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Towards inner wellbeing Simran, the founder of Kanegi, incubated at NSRCEL under the Women Start-up Programme, talks about her key learnings

Kanegi is a woman-led tech startup for inner wellbeing inspired by multicultural meditation methods. They provide a multi-sensory meditation booth and meditative rest shops that offer customized flow experiences to focus on one’s inner wellbeing.  Simran, the founder, describes herself as “a socio-economic entrepreneur and motivational speaker”. She is currently pre-incubated at the IIM Bangalore’s NSRCEL Women Start-up Programme, to build Kanegi. Her focus, she says, is on helping people cultivate space between stimulus and response, and Kanegi’s mission echoes that. ‍On her NSRCEL experience, she says: “My journey from…

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No child’s play this! Incubated at NSRCEL, ToyCel aspires to empower the country’s rural toymakers

“After a good deal of research, and offline selling of gifts and toys, we have established  a brand new online platform for ‘Make in India’ products, in the toys and gifting space, to reach out across India and acquire enhanced customer base for sustainable Indian products,” says Anjana HS, an M.Sc graduate, who founded ToyCel with a vision to revolutionize the toys’ industry. She is passionate about the ‘Make in India’ campaign and wants to ensure that artisans in rural areas get the chance they deserve to make a name…

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Bringing industry to the classroom – Pawan Sachdeva and classmates, PGP 1996

One of the strong points of an MBA programme at IIM Bangalore is its ability to infuse the latest industry perspective into classroom teaching. And what better for a student than when they gain this exposure from their own seniors who are now industry experts. This workshop concept was conceived by Pawan Sachdeva during one of his interactions with the institute. Mr. Sachdeva wears several hats, including those of an author, environmental activist, teacher, and investing expert. His guiding principle in life is to constantly reinvent yourself in order to…

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