(L-R) Shiva Jayagopal, Winvinaya Foundation, Prof. G. Raghuram, Director IIM Bangalore, and S.S. Jayasankar, Oorja Cochin, at the golden jubilee celebrations of Balavidyalaya, Chennai.

IIMB Director G. Raghuram speaks on ‘Experience of IIMB in making the courses inclusive’ during the golden jubilee celebrations of Chennai-based school Balavidyalaya

27 December, 2019, Bengaluru: Balavidyalaya, the Chennai-based school for young deaf children, hosted the international conference titled ‘Parenting Children to Listen from Infancy & Talk for a Lifetime’, on December 19 and 20, 2019, at the Sir Mutha Venkatasubba Rao Concert Hall, as part of its golden jubilee celebrations. The conference brought together policy makers, special educators, speech therapists, audiologists, doctors, psychologists, social workers and parents engaged or associated with deafness. A healthy interaction and exchange of information between professionals from different parts of the world during the conference threw…

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IIMB launches the Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship, a certificate program, for young, dynamic individuals to contribute to enhancing skill development and promote rural employment at the district level

IIM Bangalore, in collaboration with Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Government of India (GoI), and State Skill Development Missions (SSDMs), is offering a Certificate Program in Public Policy and Management. The program, Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship (MGNF), is a unique opportunity for young, dynamic individuals to contribute to enhancing skill development and promote rural employment at the district level.  The MGNF will be rolled out on a pilot basis in the states of Gujarat, Karnataka, Meghalaya, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, and Uttar Pradesh. The admission cycle for MGNF 2019 was…

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SEOUL CURRY Ashish Anja, from the one-year MBA at IIMB, shares the good and the unexpected from a visit to KAIST in South Korea

Before boarding the flight to Seoul, South Korea, our seniors said: “The International Immersion Programme is a much-needed break in this intense course, make it count!” Our professors said: “This is a unique learning opportunity, make it count!” Little did we know that we were in for an experience of a lifetime, which would prove both the statements true! After slogging for three terms and going through some intense interview rounds with our prospective recruiters, we (the students of the one-year MBA – the Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management…

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Madrid: A peek into the soul of Spain There has never been a better time to visit the Spanish capital, where the past decade has witnessed a spurt in creativity and enterprise, writes Ankush Kochhar, a student of IIMB’s one-year MBA program

George Orwell once said, “I’d rather be a foreigner in Spain than in most countries. How easy it is to make friends in Spain!” Orwell was absolutely correct and EPGP 2019 was fortunate to witness this truth during the International Immersion trip to the prestigious IE Business School in Madrid. After our examination got over, a cohort of 25 of us, led by Prof. R. Narayanaswamy, Chair, Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management, left for Spain just before Thanksgiving, and the excitement was palpable aboard the plane. Immersion Commences On…

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First impressions from a visit to Fudan University China is the market of fantasy for many. It is one of the largest unified economic spaces, its business is booming, and consumer affluence is on the rise, and, on a recent visit, Mohit Roshan Srivasatava is also struck by its thriving tech ecosystem

For many years, I had read that China, the global manufacturing hub, is where one finds cheap labour. My recent visit to Fudan University’s School of Management in Shanghai, as part of an International Immersion module in my one-year MBA program at IIM Bangalore, was an eye-opener of sorts. China, I discovered, is home to a booming technology industry. Companies like Tencent, Alibaba and Huawei are not only leaders on their home turf, they also offer competition to the Googles and Amazons of the western world. It is fascinating to…

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Equip, enable and empower Khushboo Chhangani reports on a workshop on best practices for inclusion of persons with disability

The Diversity and Inclusion Office at IIM Bangalore organised a half-day workshop on ‘Inclusive Best Practices in Higher Education’, in collaboration with the Department for International Development (DFID), UK, on 28th November, 2019.  David Finch, Director, International Development and Research, National Star College, UK, conducted the workshop and discussed the duties of higher education institutes to ensure equity, strategies and adaptations for inclusion of persons with disability.  National Star College, based in the UK, has done remarkable work towards enabling people with disabilities realise their potential through personalised learning programmes.…

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Five years of transformational learning IIMBx is now a global online-learning platform with over 1.4 million learners from across the globe. Five years ago, when launched, IIMBx was a torchbearer in the space of digital learning technology in India

22 November, 2019: The evening of 19th November 2019 at the Director’s Lawns, IIM Bangalore, witnessed a joyful celebration of the fifth anniversary of IIMBx. IIMBx, the digital learning initiative of IIMB, now has over 1.4 million learners from across the world.   Founded at a time when digital learning was still a new concept in India, with a lot of skepticism surrounding its effectiveness and validity, IIMBx began creating courses with a five-member team. With support from the faculty of IIM Bangalore, IIMBx soon grew popular among young professionals…

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Celebrating ‘50 EGMP Star Alumni’ IIM Bangalore has led the way in delivering innovative learning experiences for business executives through its Executive Education Programmes. It provides informed global perspectives, an exceptional faculty and flexible, forward-looking practices to its participants. The Executive General Management Programme (EGMP) is one such transformational learning experience. Meet the ‘50 EGMP Star Alumni’ here…

The Executive General Management Programme (EGMP), an Executive Education Programme offered by IIM Bangalore, is celebrating a milestone this year. This is the 50th batch of the programme and as part of the year-long celebrations, illustrious alumni of the programme, who have created impact in their respective fields, will be acknowledged as ’50 EGMP Stars’ on the occasion of IIM Bangalore’s 46th Foundation Day on October 28th, 2019. The objective of this initiative is to highlight the impact that IIM Bangalore’s EGMP has made in business, government and society. The…

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Strong fundamentals are necessary for the growth of the economy, says Dr. Hasmukh Adhia in a policy talk at IIMB By Harsh Singh

25 June, Bangalore: The Office of the Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management (PGPPM) at IIMB hosted a talk on ‘Tax Challenges in India’ by Dr. Hasmukh Adhia, currently Non-Executive Chairman of Bank of Baroda, former Finance Secretary to Govt. of India, and Distinguished Alumnus of IIMB. Dr. Adhia emphasized the need for strong fundamentals for the growth of the economy, remarking that there are no sustainable shortcuts to growth. He also stressed upon the need to create an environment necessary for growth.  One of Dr. Adhia’s key…

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Professor G. Raghuram, Director, IIM Bangalore, lights the lamp and is watched by Dr. Suranjan Bhattacharji, former Director, Christian Medical College, Vellore.

“Rendu varsham aachu saar…”

It’s two years since I saw the charpoy – Kasinathan, a person who spent the first 15 years after his spinal cord injury at age 14 on a charpoy inside and occasionally outside a small hut in a village near Tindivanam in Tamil Nadu.  He fondly held the charpoy, the only stage prop, and also indicated that ever since he sat on a wheelchair in 2017, he has been on a roll.   This moment enthralled the 200-plus who joined the 10-year celebration of The Ganga Foundation on September 28, 2019…

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